Technical Skills That Will Land You a Job in Raleigh NC

Did you know, the types of computer software you are familiar with can make or break your chances of getting a job offer? If you’ve been in the workforce for a while, most employers will assume you have some knowledge of MS Word and Outlook. However, there are some additional skills that will get you noticed. That is why we are sharing top technical skills that will impress any Hiring Manager and help land the interview.

  1. Elaborate on operating systems and add them to your resume. Be sure to list the operating skills you are familiar with, some jobs require Mac experience, while others prefer PC, or both!
  1. It’s no secret businesses are now operating off of cloud systems. In particular Google Drive, which many offices today are utilizing instead of Microsoft Office.  Be sure to include the applications you are familiar with, such as Google Docs or Google Slides.
  1. Be digital focused and mention any social media experience in previous roles. Businesses world-wide use social media to boost their brand awareness.  Be sure to mention if you have had responsibilities for posting to an employers’ LinkedIn or Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, or other sites.
  1. Make sure to mention all proprietary software you’ve had training on.  If you have skills using proprietary software that is relevant to the position you are applying to, you should mention it even if it is not the same software the employer is using.  

Of course, you should always represent your skills honestly to any employer.  Let them know how your computer skills have helped you throughout your career. What are new skills you’ve had to learn on the job? Leave them in the comments on our Facebook Page and spark a discussion today!